gl- Reading Booklet
A booklet to trace and read.
Modal Verbs Order
Cut and paste the modal verbs in order of strength.
Time Connective Cards
A set of word cards showing time connectives.
Antonyms Hexagon Puzzle (Easier)
Match the antonyms to complete the puzzle. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
‘The Straw Hat’ Comprehension
A level 3 reading passage and comprehension set.
Fact & Opinion Sort: First Fleet
Is it a fact or is it an opinion? Cut and paste to sort the fact from the opinion in this First Fleet themed worksheet.
Doubling Final Consonants Worksheet
This spelling worksheet focuses on the spelling rule of doubling the final consonant. 1:1:1 rule.
Hyperbole Poem: 'Worst Day of My Life'
A poem using hyperbole titled ‘Worst Day of My Life’.
Short e: ‘e’ and ‘ea’ Word Search
Find the short ‘e’ and ‘ea’ words in the jumble.
Counting Syllables 3
Count the syllables in each word.
Matching Independent Clauses (2)
Join matching simple sentences. Rewrite each simple sentence pair as a compound sentence using a conjunction.
Reading Task Cards
Use before, during and after reading to help build comprehension skills. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.