Summarising Text: Sports
Read the passage about sports and work out the main idea.
Rhyming Couplets: Animals (1)
Use the word bank to write rhyming couplets about animals (early and middle years).
Identifying Vowels in CVC Words 3
Fill in the missing vowels from the CVC words.
‘Helping Out’ Grammar & Comprehension
A level 2 reading passage, comprehension and grammar set.
Missing Initial & Final Letters 1
The beginning and final letters of CVC words are missing. Use the pictures to help write them in.
Adjectives and Nouns
In each sentence, identify the adjective and the noun that it is describing.
Modal Verbs Poster
A poster showing different modal verbs.
Show, Don’t Tell Sheet (2)
This worksheet gives sentences that ‘tell’. Learners write one or two sentences that ‘show’ what each sentence is ‘telling’.
Main Idea: Bike Ride Poem
Read the poem. Work out the main idea and the supporting details.
Main Idea & Details: Kate
Read a short passage and work out the main idea and supporting details.
‘Excited’ Comprehension
A level 3 reading passage and comprehension set.
Identifying Rhyme: -an, -um, -ut Words
Colour the rhyming objects the same colour.