Life Stages Cut Outs
Cut outs of 8 life stages.
Being a Good Friend
Write and draw to show ways to be a good friend.
‘I am grateful for…’ Flower
Decorate the flower to show things to be grateful for!
Water Safety Word Jumble
Unjumble the water safety words and then crack the code!
Being a Good Friend
Write and draw to show ways to be a good friend.
Healthy Eating Reading Sheet
A reading sheet about healthy eating.
Sun Safety Word Search
A word search all about sun safety.
What Makes Me Feel…?
A set of 5 sheets. Write or draw things that make you feel each emotion. Decorate the pages using matching colours.
Healthy Eating Word Search
A word search all about healthy eating and the five food groups.
What Makes Me Feel…?
A set of 5 sheets. Write or draw things that make you feel each emotion. Decorate the pages using matching colours.
Food Groups Plate Match (2)
Cut and paste to build a healthy plate.
What Makes Me Feel…?
A set of 5 sheets. Write or draw things that make you feel each emotion. Decorate the pages using matching colours.