Healthy Eating Plate Poster
A poster showing the five food groups.
Food Groups Reading Sheet
A reading sheet about the five food groups.
Sun Safety Crossword
Answer questions about sun safety to complete the crossword.
Lakes/Ponds Hazards & Safety
Identify and explain the potential hazards of swimming at a lake or pond. Design a safety sign.
Ordering & Labelling Life Stages (8 Stages)
Cut and paste to name and order each stage of life.
Healthy Eating Word Search
A word search all about healthy eating and the five food groups.
Beach Hazards & Safety
Identify and explain the potential hazards of swimming at the beach. Identify safety signs.
‘Can I?’ Comprehension
A level 2 reading passage and comprehension set.
Human Life Cycle: Build
Cut and paste the pieces to build the life cycle of a human.
Food Groups Plate Match (2)
Cut and paste to build a healthy plate.
Sun Safety Word Search
A word search all about sun safety.
Lakes/Ponds Safety: Write & Draw
Identify and explain the potential hazards of swimming at a lake or pond. Draw a picture to show safe play.