Jellybeans & Probability (2)
Read the probability statements and colour the jellybeans to match (upper years).
1-Digit Word Problems: Subtraction (5)
A set of 1-digit subtraction word problems.
Timetable: Rich Task
Create a timetable for a school event.
Teen Number Posters
A set of posters showing the numbers 1 to 10.
Probability Match: Will, Won’t, Might
Cut and paste events to match the terms ‘will happen’, ‘won’t happen’, ‘might happen’.
Place Value Sort: Hundreds
Sort the 3-digit numbers according to the number of hundreds.
Partition Decimals, Hundredths (2)
Partition the decimals and represent them on visual models.
What’s the Number? 3-Digit
3-digit numbers have been partitioned. Add the parts together then write the number that was partitioned.
Write Digital Times, O’clock
Write the times on the digital clocks to match the times shown on the analogue clocks (o’clock times).
Adding & Subtracting Unlike Fractions Problems (2)
Word problems involving adding and subtracting unlike fractions.
Composite Shapes Match Up
Match the set of basic shapes to the composite shapes.
Partitioning 3-Digit Numbers (2)
3-digit numbers have been represented using MAB blocks. Write the number and an equation to match the partitioning.