Representing 5-Digit Numbers (3)
Represent the 5-digit numbers in different ways.
Introduction to Halving
A worksheet to help learners use doubles facts to find half of numbers.
5-Digit Non-Standard Partitioning (3)
Use number expanders to partition a 5-digit number in different ways.
Symmetrical Drawing: Wreath
Use the grid to help complete the picture.
Circle Coins to Pay for Items, Aust. (1)
Circle the exact coins to pay for each item.
Reading a Thermometer (1)
Read and represent temperatures on thermometers.
Fractions Match Puzzle
Cut and paste the matching representations of each fraction to complete the puzzles.
Fractions Match Activity (1)
Match the different representations of fractions. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Decimal Word Problems, Tenths (1)
Word problems involving tenths (addition, subtraction, multiplication mix).
2-Digit Word Problems: Subtraction (4)
A set of 2-digit subtraction word problems.
Folding Booklet: Number 10
Fold into a booklet and complete the activities all about the number 10.
Reading a Swimming Carnival Timetable
Answer the questions using information from the swimming carnival timetable.