Representing 4-Digit Numbers (4)
Represent the 4-digit numbers in different ways.
Fact Families: Missing Factor (1)
Work out the missing factor in each fact family triangle and then write then matching equations.
3D Shapes Alphabet Challenge
List 3D objects that begin with each letter of the alphabet. Which 3D shape does each resemble.
Count to 10 Puzzle
Cut and paste the pieces to complete the pattern to 10.
Symmetrical Drawing: Christmas Tree
Use the grid to help complete the picture.
2-Digit Vertical Subtraction, No Borrowing (3)
A set of 2-digit vertical subtraction sums without borrowing.
Mixed Operation Word Problems (1)
A set of word problems for the middle years involving a mix of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Naming 3D Shapes
Match up 3D shapes to their names.
Time Attack Game, 15 Minute Intervals
A game in which players read o’clock, half past quarter past and quarter to times on analogue and digital clocks. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Counting Tower Mazes (1s & 2s)
Count in 1s and 2s to find the path up the towers!
City Map 2
A simple map to support the teaching of mapping, location and directional language.
Measure & Check Area (Rectangles)
Use a ruler to measure the length and width of rectangles then calculate the area of each. Check on provided grid paper.