Multiplication Colour by Number: Pirate
Solve the multiplication sums to find the colours to complete the picture.
Area: Introduction to Formula
Use the formula Length x Width to calculate the area and then count the squares to check.
5s Circle Maze
Follow the path by counting in 5s.
Multiplication Colour by Number: Beach
Solve the multiplication sums to find the colours to complete the picture.
Temperature Forecast: Brisbane
Read the 5-day forecast for the city of Brisbane and answer questions.
Start, Finish & Duration, 30-Min Intervals (1)
Answer questions about elapsed times to complete the table (times to 30-minute intervals).
Adding & Subtracting Time, 5-Min Intervals
Read the times. Add or subtract the elapsed times and write the new times in analogue and digital (times to 5-minute intervals).
Represent a Proper Fraction: Blank Template
Choose a fraction to represent in different ways.
Folding Booklet: Number 7
Fold into a booklet and complete the activities all about the number 7.
What’s the Finish Time? 30-Min Intervals (1)
Start times are given on analogue clocks. Add on the elapsed times to work out the finish times (times to 30-minute intervals).
Multiplication Colour by Number: Beach (x2 x4)
Solve the multiplication sums to find the colours to complete the picture. Multiplication facts are all in the 2x and 4x families.
Representing Times, O’clock & Half Past (2)
Read the times in words and represent them in analogue and digital forms (o’clock and half paste times).