Number Puzzles 5-9
Cut and paste to match the different representations of the numbers 5 to 9.
Multi-Step Problems, 3 & 4-Digit (1)
A set of 3 and 4-digit multi-step word problems.
Multi-Step Problems, 1 & 2-Digit (2)
A set of 1 and 2-digit multi-step word problems.
Number Patterns: Set 2
Work out the pattern rule of each number sequence and then complete.
2-Digit Word Problems: Subtraction (1)
A set of 2-digit subtraction word problems.
Days of the Week Rainbow (1)
A days of the week rainbow worksheet. Colour the rainbow.
Probability Match: Will, Won’t, Might
Cut and paste events to match the terms ‘will happen’, ‘won’t happen’, ‘might happen’.
Equivalent Fractions Game
A game in which players use their knowledge of equivalent fractions to place 5 counters in a row. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Convert Grams & Kilograms
Convert between grams and kilograms to complete the questions.
Reading a Thermometer (1)
Read and represent temperatures on thermometers.
Partitioning 3-Digit Numbers (2)
3-digit numbers have been represented using MAB blocks. Write the number and an equation to match the partitioning.
Reading a Pictograph: Rewards Day
Use the data from the pictograph to answer the questions.