Represent Improper Fractions: Halves
Represent each given fraction in different ways.
10s Circle Maze
Follow the path by counting in 10s.
Drawing 3-Digit Numbers
Represent the 3-digit numbers with MAB blocks.
Months of the Year Poster Set
A set of posters showing the months of the year. Use to display class birthdays.
Fact Families: Missing Factor & Product Mix (1)
Work out the missing product factor in each fact family triangle and then write then matching equations.
End Time Using Timelines, 30-Min Intervals (2)
Add on the elapsed times using the number lines. Write the end times (times to 30-minute intervals).
Complete the Fact Family Houses (Small Size)
Arrange the numbers given to complete the part part whole models and then complete the fact families.
4-Digit Non-Standard Partitioning (5)
Use number expanders to partition a 4-digit number in different ways.
Properties of 3D Shapes Sort
Cut and paste to match up 3D shapes with their names and features.
Convert g to kg (Tenths)
Weights are given in grams. Convert them to kilograms (weights are to tenths).
Chance Match Up (1)
Cut and paste to match the chance statements (will, won’t, might happen) to the pictures.
Match Months to Seasons
Write to show which months belong to which seasons.