Probability Event Match: Possible & Impossible
Cut and paste events to match the terms ‘Possible’ and ‘Impossible’.
Fraction Word Problems (1)
Word problems involving fractions targeting middle primary level.
Folding Booklet: Number 1
Fold into a booklet and complete the activities all about the number 1.
Convert Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions: Pizza
Colour pizza to help convert mixed numbers to improper fractions.
Folding Booklet: Number 12
Fold into a booklet and complete the activities all about the number 12.
Multiplying by 1-Digit: Word Problems (2)
A set of word problems involving multiplying 1-digit numbers by larger numbers.
5-Digit Non-Standard Partitioning (5)
Use number expanders to partition a 5-digit number in different ways.
5-Digit Non-Standard Partitioning (5)
Use number expanders to partition a 5-digit number in different ways.
Choose Units to Match Events
Circle the most appropriate unit of time to measure each activity.
Represent a Proper Fraction: Blank Template
Choose a fraction to represent in different ways.
3-Digit Word Problems: Addition (3)
A set of 3-digit addition word problems.
Advanced Number Patterns (2)
Work out how each pattern is growing, and then complete the sequences.