Interpret Data: Seeds
Read and interpret the data from the line graph to answer the questions.
Fractions Student Reference Card
A reference card explaining numerators and denominators and showing 4 common fractions.
Drawing 3-Digit Numbers
Represent the 3-digit numbers with MAB blocks.
Convert Between ml & L (4)
Record the volume of water in each container in millilitres and litres.
Pattern Types Posters
A set of posters showing different pattern types (eg. ABB, AB).
Properties of Odd & Even Numbers: Subtraction
What happens when an Odd number is subtracted from an Odd number? Explore the properties of odd and even numbers.
Convert kg to g (Tenths)
Weights are given in kilograms. Convert them to grams (weights are to tenths).
Time Word Problems, 5-Min (2)
A set of elapsed time word problems (times to 5-minute intervals).
Complete the Symmetrical Shapes (1)
Use the symmetry line to complete the missing part of each shape.
2-Digit Word Problems: Subtraction (4)
A set of 2-digit subtraction word problems.
Subtracting Time, 5-Min Intervals
Read the end times. Subtract the elapsed times and write the start times in analogue and digital (times to 5-minute intervals).
Introduction to Fact Families (1)
A worksheet to help introduce the concept of part part whole.