Fractions Student Reference Card
A reference card explaining numerators and denominators and showing 4 common fractions.
Multiplication Box Game Boards (2x to 12x)
Spin the spinner and solve multiplications to complete boxes. The player with the most boxes wins.
Adding & Subtracting Unlike Fractions Problems (2)
Word problems involving adding and subtracting unlike fractions.
3x Strategy (2)
Learn a strategy to solve 3x facts.
Decimal Word Problems, Tenths (1)
Word problems involving tenths (addition, subtraction, multiplication mix).
Representing Times, 5-Min Intervals (1)
Read the times in words and represent them in analogue and digital forms (times to 5-minute intervals).
Pirate Word Problems: 1-Digit Addition
A set of 1-digit addition word problems with a pirate theme.
Calculate Area: Count
Calculate the area of regular shapes by counting the number of squares.
5s Counting Sequence Set
A set of three worksheets (forwards, backwards and mixed) focused on counting in 5s.
Complete Symmetrical Pictures, Grids (2)
Complete each of the symmetrical shapes using the grids to help.
2-Digit Word Problems: Subtraction (5)
A set of 2-digit subtraction word problems.
Find the Missing Angles (1)
Use knowledge of angles to calculate the missing angles.