-an Words Spin Wheel
A spinning word wheel. Print on card and/or laminate for best results.
‘Secret Lake’ Grammar & Comprehension
A level 5 reading passage, comprehension and grammar set.
Add Missing Commas
Add in the missing comma/s in each sentence.
Persuasive Writing Structure Exemplar
An annotated example of a persuasive text, highlighting correct structure and persuasive devices.
Contractions Cut & Paste (1)
Cut and paste to match each word pair to the correct contraction.
Write and Draw -uck Words
This worksheet focuses on ‘uck’ words.
Persuade: Books or TV? (2)
Plan and write to persuade others whether books or TV are better (middle and upper years).
Sizzling Starts Cut & Paste
A sizzling start is an opening to a story that captures the reader’s interest. Match up the sizzling start examples to their names.
Long Vowel Poster: Short oo Words
A display poster of short oo words.
Main Idea & Details: Pirates
Read the passage about pirates and work out the main idea and supporting details.
Fruit Salad: Procedure Features
Cut and paste the pictures in the correct order and then write the steps to make fruit salad.
Explaining Personification (2)
Explain the meaning of the given personification examples.