-op Activity Booklet
Fold the booklet and complete the activities all about -op words.
Long Vowel Poster: ow Words
A display poster of ow words.
Making Connections: Unfair
Students read the passage of text and write down connections they can make.
Writing Similes (2)
This worksheet helps students write their own similes.
wh- Words Word Search
Find the wh- words in the letter jumble.
Contractions (is & not) Word Search
Find the ‘is’ and ‘not’ contractions in the jumble.
Poem: 'A Morning Walk'
A poem titled ‘A Morning Walk’.
Differentiated Inferring Set: Toby
Read the passage. Make a list of the clues and what can be inferred from the text. The easier sheet supports the learner to find clues and make inferences.
-ip Reading Booklet
A booklet to trace and read.
Alphabet Worksheet: Letter P
This worksheet focuses on the letter P. Trace, write, find words and draw.
A Complete Sentence? 2
Tick the complete sentences and cross the incomplete sentences.
Nouns Word Search
Find the nouns in the word jumble and then sort them according to the headings: ‘people’, ‘places’, ‘animals’, ‘things’.