Complete the Rhymes: Drink Stall
Choose the correct words that follow the rhyming pattern to complete the poem.
Missing Speech Marks: Rewrite (2)
Rewrite each sentence using speech marks to punctuate the direct speech. Add in capital letters and commas where they are needed.
ch- Digraph Build a Word
This worksheet focuses on similar sounding letters/digraphs. Line up the correct digraph to the word ending.
Writing Direct & Indirect Speech (1)
Write direct and indirect speech to match each of the given pictures.
fl- Words Word Search
Find the fl- words in the letter jumble.
-ot Words Spin Wheel
A spinning word wheel. Print on card and/or laminate for best results.
Poem: 'A Morning Walk'
A poem titled ‘A Morning Walk’.
Writing Direct Speech (2)
Fill in the speech bubble to match each picture and then write a sentence containing direct speech to match.
Fact & Opinion Sort: Dogs
Is it a fact or is it an opinion? Cut and paste to sort the fact from the opinion.
Fact or Opinion? Colour Code
Read the sentences and underline the facts in blue and the opinions in red.
‘Mission: Museum’ Comprehension
A level 5 reading passage and comprehension set.
Compound Words Match (3)
Cut and paste to join words and make compound words.