4-Digit Non-Standard Partitioning (6)
Use number expanders to partition a 4-digit number in different ways.
Multiplication as ‘Groups of’ (1)
A worksheet to help link the concept of ‘groups of’ to the multiplication symbol.
3-Digit Vertical Subtraction, No Borrowing (1)
A set of 3-digit vertical subtraction sums without borrowing.
Convert g to kg (Tenths)
Weights are given in grams. Convert them to kilograms (weights are to tenths).
Write Digital & Analogue, 5-Min Intervals
Write the times on the digital and analogue clocks to match the times shown in words (times to 5-minute intervals).
x9 Tables Fact Families
Complete the fact family triangles and write the matching equations.
Transformation Display Poster: Reflection
Shapes can be transformed in different ways. This poster explains ‘reflection’.
Rainbow Facts Poster (2)
A poster showing the rainbow facts.
Probability Event Match: Certain, Likely, Unlikely, Impossible
Cut and paste events to match the terms ‘Certain’, ‘Impossible’, ‘Likely’ and ‘Unlikely’.
Hefting to Estimate 1kg
Use a 1kg weight to estimate the weight of different objects.
Time Word Problems, 1-Min (2)
A set of elapsed time word problems (times to 1-minute intervals).
Mixed Operation Word Problems (6)
A set of word problems for the upper years involving a mix of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.