Fractions & Decimals, Tenths (2)
Write and represent fractions and decimals.
Division Flash Cards
A set of multiplication flash cards (÷1 to ÷12).
Interpret Data: Pizzas
Read and interpret the data from the pictograph to answer the questions.
Calculate Change from $10: Game
A board game in which players must find the change given from $10. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Identify Slides, Flips & Turns
Circle ‘flip’, ‘slide’ or ‘turn’ to show how each shape has been moved.
Multiplication Puzzle Activity
A set of 12 puzzles. Match the different representations of multiplication facts. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Drawing 3-Digit Numbers
Represent the 3-digit numbers with MAB blocks.
Clock Face (Colour)
A colour display of a clock face showing minutes.
Toy Shop Catalogue, Add, Whole Dollar
Use the toy shop catalogue to answer purchasing questions. Whole dollar prices.
Follow Cardinal Directions, Grid Ref
Use cardinal directions to follow the path of each animal and use grid reference to describe their new locations.
Find Angles in a Picture (1)
Search the image for angles. Colour code them to show whether they are right angles, acute angles or obtuse angles.
X-Factor Multiplication Game (Big Numbers)
A game in which players use their knowledge of multiplying multiples of 10 to place 4 counters in a row. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.