Writing CVC Words: Short o
Write the CVC words from the list under the matching pictures.
Initial Sound Picture Find: Letter Z
Find and colour the pictures that start with the letter Z.
Say, Write: Short a Words
Say the word, write the pictures. Then Find the words in a letter jumble!
Match & Write Compound Words 1
Match up words to form compound words and then use the compound words to complete the sentences.
Summarising Text: Sports
Read the passage about sports and work out the main idea.
Contractions: Shading Bubbles (2)
Colour the correct bubbles to show which words have been joined to form the contractions. A NAPLAN style worksheet.
pl- Cut and Paste
Cut and paste to match the words and the pictures.
Circle the Conjunctions
Circle the conjunction in each of the sentences.
Meanings of Similes & Metaphors (2)
Work out the meaning of each simile and metaphor.
Compare & Contrast Card Set
A set of 16 compare and contrast cards. List similarities and differences between the objects or actions.
‘ate’ & ‘ise’ Suffixes
This spelling worksheet focuses on the suffixes ‘ate’ and ‘ise’.
Blend & Digraph Build a Word 1
Draw lines to match the correct blend to the word endings. Write and draw.