Seasons Word Search
Find the seasons and related words in the letter jumble.
Start, Finish & Duration, 5-Min Intervals (1)
Answer questions about elapsed times to complete the table (times to 5-minute intervals).
Using Directional Language with a Map
Use directional language to describe directions to and from different places on a map.
Multiplication Colour by Number: Flower
Solve the multiplication sums to find the colours to complete the picture.
What’s the Elapsed Time? 30-Min Intervals (1)
Read the start and finish times from analogue clocks and then calculate the elapsed time (times to 30-minute intervals).
Multiplication Fact Wheels Mixed Order
12 multiplication fact wheels to complete (multiplication facts jumbled).
Multiplication as ‘Groups of’ (1)
A worksheet to help link the concept of ‘groups of’ to the multiplication symbol.
Addition Colour By Number: Dinosaur
Solve the addition sums and then colour to complete the picture.
Write Digital Times, Quarter Past/To (1)
Write the times on the digital clocks to match the times shown on the analogue clocks (quarter hour times).
Rounding: Nearest 10
Round the numbers to the nearest 10.
List Events: Certain, Likely, Unlikely, Impossible
Write events to match the terms ‘Certain’, ‘Impossible’, ‘Likely’ and ‘Unlikely’.
Read Analogue Scales: Mix of Scales (1)
Read each of the analogue scales and record the weight shown (kilograms and grams).