-at Words Spin Wheel
A spinning word wheel. Print on card and/or laminate for best results.
Editing Reference Card
A reference card to support students in the editing process of their writing. CUPS: Capitals, Understanding, Punctuation, Spelling.
Parts of Speech Sentence Builder
Reinforce sentence structure with these sentence building cards. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Deserts Editing Passage
Edit a passage about deserts. Use the checklist to help find the missing full stops, capitals, commas, apostrophes and spelling mistakes.
Narrative Structure Exemplar (1)
An example of a narrative text for the early and middle years. Structure, elements and language features are highlighted.
bl- fl- sl- Blends Puzzle
This puzzle focuses on similar sounding letters/blends. Cut and paste to join the blends to the word endings.
Story Map Template (2)
Use this story map to plan out ideas for a narrative.
Capital Letters: Mix (2)
A worksheet to give students practice using capital letters in all contexts: sentence beginnings, proper nouns, the pronoun ‘I’, days, months, holidays, etc.
The Dog Show: Fact & Opinion
Read a short passage and identify the facts and the opinions.
Writing Direct Speech (1)
Fill in the speech bubble to match each picture and then write a sentence containing direct speech to match.
sm- sn- Blend Build a Word
This worksheet focuses on similar sounding letters/blends. Line up the correct blend to the word ending.
Persuade: Burgers or Pizza? (2)
Plan and write to persuade others whether burgers or pizza is better (middle and upper years).