Counting Pattern Beehive Maze
Follow the different counting patterns to reach the end.
Counting Like Coins (Aust.)
Count the number of each coin in the jumble and work of the totals.
Multiples Poster Set
A set of posters showing the first 12 multiples of the numbers 1 to 12.
Counting Back Change Cards
Learn to calculate change by the ‘count back’ strategy.
Multiplication as ‘Groups of’ (1)
A worksheet to help link the concept of ‘groups of’ to the multiplication symbol.
4-Digit Problems: Addition & Subtraction (2)
A set of 4-digit addition and subtraction word problems.
Number Sequences Set
Follow and complete each number sequence. Includes two worksheets.
8s Counting Pattern Cards
Arrange the set of cards in the order of the 8s counting pattern. Self-checking images included. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Town Map: Key & Compass Directions, Cardinal & Ordinal
Use the 8-point compass and the key to answer the questions about the town map.
Fractions of Collections: Naming
Name (symbols and words) the fractions shown by fraction models.
Shops Directions (N,E,S,W)
Use cardinal directions (north, east, south, west) to describe the direction of shops in a shopping centre.
Counting Australian 10c Coins
Count collections of 10 cent coins.