Creative Writing Story Starters Set
A set of 12 story starter cards to help students get their creative juices flowing and get writing!
Main Idea: Jungle Paradise
Read the text. Work out the main idea and the supporting details.
Initial r Blends Worksheet
This spelling worksheet focuses on words with an initial r-blend (br, cr, dr, fr, gr, tr).
Plan for Persuasive Language
A planning sheet to help students plan to use persuasive devices in their writing.
-in Reading Booklet
A booklet to trace and read.
CVC Build a Word 3
Spell words to match the pictures by joining up the letters.
Persuade: Burgers or Pizza? (1)
Write to persuade others whether burgers or pizza is better (early years).
Explaining Personification (1)
Explain the meaning of the given personification examples.
Tension Building Brainstorm
Brainstorm examples of how you could use each technique in your own writing.
Adverbs Word Search
Find the adverbs in the dinosaur themed word jumble.
sc- Focus Blends Puzzle
Join the blends to the correct word endings.
Rabbits Report Jumble
Unjumble the information report on rabbits.