Part Part Whole: Missing Parts (2)
One part is missing in each part part whole model. Find them and write out the fact families.
Blank Fraction Wall: Style 2
A blank fraction wall.
What’s the Number? 5-Digit
5-digit numbers have been partitioned. Add the parts together then write the number that was partitioned.
Ordering by Capacity
Cut and paste to sort the containers in order of smallest capacity to largest capacity.
Present Data: Seeds
Record the given results on an empty line graph and then answer the questions.
Names of 3D Shapes Sort
Cut and paste to match up each 3D shape to its name.
Using a Scale: Fitness Course
Use the scale to answer the questions about the fitness course.
What’s Your Name Worth? (to 10c)
Work out the value of names using the letter value chart. Prices in increments of 10 cents.
Complete Symmetrical Pictures (2)
Complete each of the symmetrical shapes.
1-Digit Problems: Addition & Subtraction (4)
A set of 1-digit addition and subtraction word problems.
Ordering Length
Order the length of different objects.
Count to 10 Puzzle
Cut and paste the pieces to complete the pattern to 10.