Converting Between Hours & Minutes
Solve the set of questions by converting between hours and minutes.
Write Out Fact Families (1)
Use the completed part part whole models to write out the matching fact families.
100 Board Colour Display
A colourful hundred board starting at 1.
Addition Colour By Number: Bird
Solve the addition sums and then colour to complete the picture.
Transformation Display Poster: Reflection
Shapes can be transformed in different ways. This poster explains ‘reflection’.
Blank Fraction Wall: Style 1
A blank fraction wall with separate bars.
Partition Decimals, Hundredths (3)
Partition the decimals and represent them on visual models.
Blank Fraction Wall: Style 1 (Simple)
A blank fraction wall with separate bars showing halves, thirds, quarters, eighths and tenths.
Multiplication Fact Wheels Ordered
12 multiplication fact wheels to complete (multiplication facts in order).
What’s the Elapsed Time? 1-Min Intervals (1)
Read the start and finish times from analogue clocks and then calculate the elapsed time (times to 1-minute intervals).
Area Word Problems (3)
A set of word problems involving area.
Timetable: Rich Task
Create a timetable for a school event.