Reading Scales: Weigh Station (2)
Read the set of scales and answer the questions.
Roll & Add Activity
Roll two dice. Add the numbers and write the matching number sentence. Laminate for a longer lasting resource.
Convert Between ml & L (3)
Record the volume of water in each container in millilitres and litres.
Area & Perimeter Problems (2)
A set of word problems involving area and perimeter.
Ordering Days of the Week: Animals
Cut and paste the days of the week into the correct order.
Rainbow Facts with Ten Frames: Addition
Use ten frames to work out the missing numbers to add to 10.
Rainbow Facts Part Part Whole
Fill in the missing numbers in the part part whole models.
10s Counting Sequence Set
A set of three worksheets (forwards, backwards and mixed) focused on counting in 10s.
Adding Time, 15-Min Intervals
Read the start times. Add on the elapsed times and write the end times in analogue and digital (times to 15-minute intervals).
3-Digit Vertical Subtraction, Borrowing (2)
A set of 3-digit vertical subtraction sums with borrowing.
What’s the Elapsed Time? 1-Min Intervals (2)
Read the start and finish times from analogue clocks and then calculate the elapsed time (times to 1-minute intervals).
Complete Symmetrical Pictures, Grids (2)
Complete each of the symmetrical shapes using the grids to help.