Blank Fraction Wall: Style 1 (Simple)
A blank fraction wall with separate bars showing halves, thirds, quarters, eighths and tenths.
Symmetrical Drawing: Elf
Use the grid to help complete the picture.
Drawing 3-Digit Numbers
Represent the 3-digit numbers with MAB blocks.
3-Digit Word Problems: Subtraction (1)
A set of 3-digit subtraction word problems.
2D Shape Student Reference Card
A reference card showing the names of 2D shapes.
Write Digital Times, O’clock
Write the times on the digital clocks to match the times shown on the analogue clocks (o’clock times).
Australian Coin Displays (B&W)
Simple black and white displays of the Australian coins.
Mixed Multiplication Race Set
Race to complete the multiplications.
Vertical Rainbow Facts: Subtraction
A set of rainbow fact and near rainbow fact subtraction sums in a vertical format.
What’s Your Name Worth? (to 50c)
Work out the value of names using the letter value chart. Prices in increments of 50 cents.
Draw Analogue Times, 5-Min Intervals (2)
Draw hands on the analogue clocks to match the digital times (times to 5-minute intervals).
What’s the Finish Time? 15-Min Intervals (1)
Start times are given on analogue clocks. Add on the elapsed times to work out the finish times (times to 15-minute intervals).