Representing 4-Digit Numbers (3)
Represent the 4-digit numbers in different ways.
10s Circle Maze
Follow the path by counting in 10s.
Fishing Prepositions
Look at the location of the objects in the picture. Use the positional words in the box to complete the sentences.
Read Analogue Scales: Kilograms (2)
Read each of the analogue scales and record the weight shown (kilograms).
Time Word Problems, 5-Min (2)
A set of elapsed time word problems (times to 5-minute intervals).
Time Attack Game, 15 Minute Intervals
A game in which players read o’clock, half past quarter past and quarter to times on analogue and digital clocks. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Decimal Word Problems: Add & Sub, Tenths (1)
Word problems involving the addition and subtraction of decimals (to tenths).
Mixed Operation Word Problems (6)
A set of word problems for the upper years involving a mix of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
3-Digit Non-Standard Partitioning (3)
Use number expanders to partition a 3-digit number in different ways.
Capacity: Labelled 1L Increments
Read the scale and record the capacity of each container.
Add Unlike Fractions (Related)
Convert the fractions so they have the same denominator and then add.
Multiplication Colour by Number: Dragon
Solve the multiplication sums to find the colours to complete the picture.