Identifying Rhyme: -ug, -ig, -ip Words
Colour the rhyming objects the same colour.
Identifying Rhyme: -ot, -in, -ag Words
Colour the rhyming objects the same colour.
Identifying Rhyme: -it, -ed, -at Words
Colour the rhyming objects the same colour.
Identifying Rhyme: -ap, -un, -et Words
Colour the rhyming objects the same colour.
Identifying Rhyme: -an, -um, -ut Words
Colour the rhyming objects the same colour.
Identifying Rhyme: -ad, -en, -op Words
Colour the rhyming objects the same colour.
CVC Word Rhyme Sheet: Vowel Mix 4
The words in each set rhyme. Write them in.
CVC Word Rhyme Sheet: Vowel Mix 3
The words in each set rhyme. Write them in.
CVC Word Rhyme Sheet: Vowel Mix 2
The words in each set rhyme. Write them in.
CVC Word Rhyme Sheet: Vowel Mix 1
The words in each set rhyme. Write them in.