Cause or Effect?
Read the sentences and work out whether the cause or the effect has been underlined.
Cause & Effect Picture Match (2)
Cut and paste the pictures to show cause and effect relationships.
Cause & Effect Picture Match (1)
Cut and paste the pictures to show cause and effect relationships.
Cause & Effect Poster
A poster explaining cause and effect.
Image Detective Set 3
A set of image detective worksheets. Study each image. Make a list of clues from the image, and then use the clues to make inferences.
Image Detective Set 2
A set of image detective worksheets. Study each image. Make a list of clues from the image, and then use the clues to make inferences.
Image Detective Set 1
A set of image detective worksheets. Study each image. Make a list of clues from the image, and then use the clues to make inferences.
Inferring Circle Set 2
A set of 4 inferring circles. Follow the steps to analyse each image.
Inferring Circle Set 1
A set of 4 inferring circles. Follow the steps to analyse each image.
Industrial Revolution Impacts Cause & Effect
Find the cause and effect events in the text explaining the impacts of the Industrial Revolution.
Industrial Revolution Cause & Effect
Find the cause and effect events in the text explaining the Industrial Revolution.
Industrial Revolution Cause & Effect Chain
Read about the Industrial Revolution and find cause and effect events to complete the cause and effect chain.
Life in England Cause & Effect Task: Write
Order the events in the cause and effect chain that caused the First Fleet to set sail.
Life in England Cause & Effect Task: Draw
Read the chain of events that led to the First Fleet setting sail. Draw a picture to match each event.
Reading Task Cards
Use before, during and after reading to help build comprehension skills. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
5 Senses Organiser
This graphic organiser can be used for planning writing or analysing text.