Blog / Maths

Addition and Subtraction Games for the Classroom

Maths can, and should be, fun! Games are a fantastic way to encourage repeated practice of target skills. They’re also perfect for rotational activities, freeing up the teacher to offer targeted support where it’s needed most. In this article, we’ll be exploring different games and activities to make learning and practising addition and subtraction concepts engaging, interactive, and fun for students.

These games and activities have been designed to minimise both set-up time and resource requirements and most of all, to be fun to play; a hassle-free way to engage students in learning. Laminating the games will ensure they withstand repeated use. Having these go-to activities readily available in your room at a moment’s notice not only saves valuable prep time but also provides a reliable arsenal of engaging fraction lessons.

Addition and Subtraction Games for the Classroom

Addition Race

  • Early years
  • Adding single digit numbers

The first player rolls two 6-sided dice and finds the total of the two numbers. Players use their addition skills to move around the game board, trying to make it to a finishing space before anyone else! Download the Addition Race game.

addition board game year 1 year 2

Rainbow Facts Face Off:

  • Early years to middle years
  • Identifying rainbow facts

Players take turns rolling a 6-sided dice and identifying rainbow fact number pairs to place counters on the game board. The first player to place 4 counters in a row is the winner. Download Rainbow Facts Face Off.

rainbow fact game, printable maths games

Race to 8000:

  • Middle years to upper years
  • Addition skills
  • Place value knowledge

Players take turns rolling the dice to building their numbers. The game is over when each of the player’s 10 counters have been placed on the game board. Whoever is able to make a number closest to 8000 without going over is the winner. Download the Race to 8000 game.

printable classroom game place value addition

Double It:

  • Early years
  • Addition skills (doubling)

Players take turns rolling a 6-sided dice and then doubling the number. They use their doubling skills to place counters on the game board. The first player to place 4 counters in a row is the winner. Download the Double It game.

Subtraction Race

  • Early years
  • Subtracting single digit numbers

The first player rolls two 6-sided dice and subtracts the smaller number from the larger number. Players use their subtraction skills to move around the game board, trying to make it to a finish line before anyone else! Download the Subtraction Race game.

printable subtraction game

Domino Match:

  • Middle years
  • Adding numbers to 20

Players take turns using addition and subtraction to match their dominoes with others to make domino chains. The winner is the first player to successfully match all their dominoes! Download Dominoes Addition and Dominoes Subtraction.

dominoes addition game printable
dominoes subtraction game printable

Domino Addition Fun:

  • Early years to middle years
  • Addition skills

All that is needed for this two-player game is a set of dominoes. Begin by placing all dominoes face down in the centre of the table. In each round, both players pick up a domino. Each player then calculates the total number of dots on their domino and reads out the ‘sum’ to their partner. For example, four plus 3 equals seven. The player with the largest total keeps both dominoes. If the players’ totals are equal, each player keeps a single domino. The player with the most dominoes at the end of the game (set by time or rounds) is the winner!

Maths games promote active participation, reinforce problem-solving skills, and foster a positive attitude towards mathematics. Use these printable addition and subtractions games in the classroom during math rotations, during other lessons, or even as a fast finisher. They engage students in learning and free you up to target specific learning needs.

If you’re looking for more printable games and activities for rotation, make sure you visit our Games and Activities page.

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