Word Wheel: -aw Words
A spinning word wheel. Print on card and/or laminate for best results.
Personification Poem: ‘Goodnight’
A poem using personification titled ‘Goodnight’.
Sizzling Starts Cut & Paste
A sizzling start is an opening to a story that captures the reader’s interest. Match up the sizzling start examples to their names.
Write and Draw Onomatopoeia (2)
Write onomatopoeia to match the given nouns. Draw pictures to match!
Writing CVC Words: Short i
Write the CVC words from the list under the matching pictures.
Editing Reference Card
A reference card to support students in the editing process of their writing. CUPS: Capitals, Understanding, Punctuation, Spelling.
Narrative Planning Template (4)
A template to help learners plan to write a narrative.
sl- gl- Words Study
This worksheet focuses on similar sounding letters/blends. Fill in the missing blends.
Identifying Rhyme: -an, -um, -ut Words
Colour the rhyming objects the same colour.
-id Reading Booklet
A booklet to trace and read.
Learning Synonyms & Antonyms
A worksheet to help introduce synonyms and antonyms.
Final Letters CVC Words 2
The final letters of CVC words are missing. Use the picture to help write them in.