Describing Event Probability
Use the terms ‘impossible’, ‘unlikely’, ‘even chance’, ‘likely’ and ‘certain’ to describe the probability of events.
End Time Using Timelines, 30-Min Intervals (1)
Add on the elapsed times using the number lines. Write the end times (times to 30-minute intervals).
Names of 2D Shapes Sort
Cut and paste to match up each 2D shape to its name.
Draw Analogue Times, Quarter Past/To (1)
Draw hands on the analogue clocks to match the digital times (quarter past and quarter to).
Represent Times in Different Ways, 5-Min Intervals (2)
Represent times in words, analogue and digital forms to complete the worksheet (times to 5-minute intervals).
What Am I? Shape Riddle
Write clues to help others guess your mystery shape.
3-Digit Non-Standard Partitioning (2)
Use number expanders to partition a 3-digit number in different ways.
Perimeter Word Problems (1)
A set of word problems involving perimeter.
Partition Decimals, Hundredths (3)
Partition the decimals and represent them on visual models.
Multiples Poster Set
A set of posters showing the first 12 multiples of the numbers 1 to 12.
City Map 1
A simple map to support the teaching of mapping, location and directional language.
Subtraction Colour By Number: Flower
Solve the subtraction and then colour to complete the picture.