Venn Diagram
A Venn diagram template to help compare and contrast and organise ideas.
A Complete Sentence? 2
Tick the complete sentences and cross the incomplete sentences.
Editing Sentences: Full Punctuation (2)
Edit each sentence for missing full stops, capitals, commas, apostrophes, speech marks and spelling mistakes. Rewrite each sentence correctly.
Initial l Blends Word Search
Find the l-blend words in the jumble (bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl).
Hyperbole Poem: 'Worst Day of My Life'
A poem using hyperbole titled ‘Worst Day of My Life’.
Letter Spin Wheel: Letter W
A spinning word wheel. Print on card and/or laminate for best results.
Edit for Speech Marks (1)
Rewrite each sentence using speech marks to punctuate the direct speech. Add in capital letters and commas where they are needed.
Cut and Paste: ar Words
Cut and paste to match the words and the pictures.
Alphabet Letter Booklet: Letter C
Trace the letter, read the words and colour the pictures.
Write Direct & Indirect Speech, Blank (2)
Fill in the speech bubble to match each picture and then write direct and indirect speech to match.