English /Spelling /Year 3 Spelling
This collection of Year 3 spelling worksheets and resources helps target specific spelling rules and topics. Rules and topics include blends and digraphs, long and short vowels, bossy e, diphthongs and more.
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Contractions (not, is, had, would) Word Search
Find the ‘not’ ‘is’ ‘had’ and ‘would’ contractions in the jumble.
Contractions (not, is, had & would) Worksheet
This spelling worksheet focuses on contractions using the words ‘not’, ‘is’, ‘had’ and ‘would’.
‘ou’ ‘ow’ ‘au’ ‘aw’ Worksheet
This spelling worksheet focuses on the diphthongs ‘ou’ ‘ow’ ‘au’ & ‘aw’.
Silent Letters (1) Worksheet
This spelling worksheet focuses on words with silent letters (gn, kn, wr).
r- Influenced Vowel Patterns Word Search
Find the r-influenced vowel pattern words in the jumble (or, oar, our, ur).