‘Can I?’ Comprehension
A level 2 reading passage and comprehension set.
Which Clothing is Sun Safe?
Cut and paste to show whether the items are sun safe or not sun safe.
Parts of the Body: Label (1)
Fill in body part names to complete the diagram (early and middle years).
Parts of the Body Display
A labelled diagram showing the parts of the human body.
Lakes/Ponds Hazards & Safety
Identify and explain the potential hazards of swimming at a lake or pond. Design a safety sign.
Sun Safety Reading Cloze
A cloze worksheet about sun safety. Fill in the missing words to complete the text.
Parts of the Body: Label (2)
Fill in body part names to complete the diagram (middle and upper years).
Life Stages & Activities Line Up
Draw lines to join pictures of people to their matching life stages and to age relevant activities.
‘Think About It’ Comprehension
A level 2 reading passage and comprehension set.
Get Ready for the Sun!
Draw and write to show how to make the boy sun safe.
Healthy Eating Reading Cloze
A cloze worksheet all about healthy eating. Fill in the missing words to complete the text.
Healthy Eating Word Jumble
Unjumble the healthy eating and food group words and then crack the code!