Common Long Vowels (2) Word Search
A word search with common long vowel words (o, oa, ew, ue).
Antonyms Hexagon Puzzle (Yr 4,5)
Match the antonyms to complete the puzzle. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Compound Words List (Colour)
A colourful list of compound words for reference/display.
Narrative Planning Template (3)
A template to help learners plan to write a narrative.
Narrative Features Word Search
A fun way to consolidate understanding of the structure and features of a narrative.
Identifying 5 Senses (2)
Read the descriptive passages. Identify the different senses the author has described.
tw- Words Word Search
Find the tw- words in the letter jumble.
Identifying 5 Senses (1)
Read the descriptive passages. Identify the different senses the author has described.
Writing CVC Words: Vowel Mix 1
Write a CVC word from the box to match each picture.
sc- sm- sn- sp- st- Cut and Paste
This worksheet focuses on similar sounding letters/blends. Cut and paste to match the words and the pictures.
Making Connections: Birthday Present
Students read the passage of text and write down connections they can make.
Bushfires Reading & Comprehension
Read the information report about bushfires and answer the comprehension questions.