Indefinite Articles a / an (1)
When to use ‘a’ and when to use ‘an’. This worksheet supports the teaching of the indefinite articles ‘a’ and ‘an’.
Narrative Features Match
Cut and paste to match narrative features to their definitions.
Nouns, Verbs & Adjectives: Peg Clip
Use a peg/counter to show whether each word is a noun, verb or adjective. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Brush Teeth: Ordering Steps
Cut and paste to put the steps in the correct order.
Identifying Persuasive Language (2)
Read each passage. Work out the persuasive devices being used.
Letter Spin Wheel: Letter C
A spinning word wheel. Print on card and/or laminate for best results.
Dependent & Independent Clause Match (2)
Join matching simple clauses.
Initial Letters CVC Words 2
The beginning letters of CVC words are missing. Use the picture to help write them in.
tr- Words Word Search
Find the tr- words in the letter jumble.
Blend Focus sm-
This worksheet focuses on the blend ‘sm’. Find, match and make sm- words.
Comma or Full Stop? Rewrite (1)
The sentences are missing full stops or commas (or both). Rewrite each sentence correctly.
Adverbs Word Search
Find the adverbs in the dinosaur themed word jumble.