Homographs: Circle the Meaning (2)
In this worksheet, students circle the correct meaning of each underlined word.
Fact & Opinion from Pictures (2)
List at least 3 facts and 3 opinions for each picture.
Missing Apostrophe Find: Contractions & Possessives
Colour the correct bubbles to show where the apostrophes belong. Circle to show whether the apostrophe is for a contraction or a possessive noun. A NAPLAN style worksheet.
Alphabet Worksheet: Letter Z
This worksheet focuses on the letter Z. Trace, write, find words and draw.
Cut and Paste: Long e Words
Cut and paste to match the words and the pictures.
Writing Metaphors (2)
This worksheet helps students write their own metaphors.
Bossy e Words Word Search
Find the ‘bossy e’ words in the jumble.
Initial Sound Picture Find: Letter F
Find and colour the pictures that start with the letter F.
Simple, Compound or Complex? (1)
Identify simple, compound and complex sentences.
Narrative Planning Template (4)
A template to help learners plan to write a narrative.
Write Direct & Indirect Speech, Blank (1)
Fill in the speech bubble to match each picture and then write direct and indirect speech to match.
sn- Reading Booklet
A booklet to trace and read.