Synonyms & Antonyms Game
A board game to reinforce the concept of synonyms and antonyms. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Highlight Descriptive Writing Techniques
Read the description and then find the descriptive techniques used.
Threats to Turtles: Cause & Effect (2)
An upper years reading passage about threats to sea turtles. Show the cause and effect relationships in the table.
‘Wave Rider Ad’ Comprehension
A level 5 reading passage and comprehension set.
Final Blends (2) Word Sort
Sort the words under the focus headings (nt, nd, nk, mp).
Fruit Salad: Recipe Writing Differentiated Set
A differentiated set of worksheets to help students write a recipe for making fruit salad.
Narrative Writing Prompts: Set 4
A set of 4 narrative writing prompt cards.
Milkshake: Procedure Features
Cut and paste the pictures in the correct order and then write the steps to make a milkshake.
Letter Cut & Paste: Short a
Cut and paste individual letters to spell CVC words.
Contractions (are & have) Worksheet
This spelling worksheet focuses on contractions using the words ‘are’ and ‘have’.
Classify Figurative Language (1)
Read each sentence and work out whether it is a simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, hyperbole, personification or alliteration.