English /Phonics, Sounds & Letters /Phonemic Awareness /Syllables

Browse our collection of syllable worksheets and activities aimed at helping teach students to segment words. This is an important skill for spelling and for decoding during reading.

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Syllable Sort Rotation Activity

Sort the word cards by syllables. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.

List of Words by Syllable Count

A list of words grouped by their syllable count for reference or display.

Sorting by Syllables: Food

Sort the words according to the number of syllables.

Sorting by Syllables: School

Sort the words according to the number of syllables.

Sorting by Syllables: Animals

Sort the words according to the number of syllables.

Sorting by Syllables: Home

Sort the words according to the number of syllables.

Counting Syllables 3

Count the syllables in each word.

Counting Syllables 2

Count the syllables in each word.

Counting Syllables 1

Count the syllables in each word.

Related Material

Syllable Sort Rotation Activity

Sort the word cards by syllables. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.

Word Chains 1

Change one letter at a time to match each picture.

Word Chains 3

Change one letter at a time to match each picture.

Sorting by Syllables: Food

Sort the words according to the number of syllables.

Word Chains 2

Change one letter at a time to match each picture.

Sorting by Syllables: Animals

Sort the words according to the number of syllables.