Initial l Blends Word Sort (Yr1)
Sort the words under the focus headings (bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl).
Storyboard Graphic Organiser
This template helps learners map out a story by identifying all the key events.
Persuasive Devices: Superhero Ad
Read the advertisement and identify the persuasive devices used.
-in Activity Booklet
Fold the booklet and complete the activities all about -in words.
sp- Words Word Search
Find the sp- words in the letter jumble.
Missing Conjunctions
Choose the correct conjunctions to complete each sentence.
Write Different Types of Sentences: Early Years (2)
Write different types of sentence (statement, question, command, exclamation) to match each picture.
Editing Task Cards: Set C (Yr 5,6)
A set of 9 editing task cards. Errors include full stops, capital letters, commas, speech marks, apostrophes & spelling. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Writing Metaphors (1)
This worksheet helps students write their own metaphors.
fl- Words Word Search
Find the fl- words in the letter jumble.
Long i Worksheet
This worksheet focuses on long i words. Find, spell and draw.