ch- sh- th- Digraph Build a Word
This worksheet focuses on similar sounding letters/digraphs. Line up the correct digraph to the word ending.
Initial Sound Picture Find: Letter N
Find and colour the pictures that start with the letter N.
Identifying Active & Passive Voice (1)
Identify whether sentences are written in the active voice or the passive voice.
Identifying Cause & Effect (1)
Use signal words to help identify the cause and the effect within sentences.
A Better Way to Say…
A reference list of words to use instead of common adjectives such as ‘little’, ‘big’, ‘good’, ‘bad’ and more!
Fact & Opinion Sort: Dogs
Is it a fact or is it an opinion? Cut and paste to sort the fact from the opinion.
cl- gl- pl- Blends Puzzle
This puzzle focuses on similar sounding letters/blends. Cut and paste to join the blends to the word endings.
-un Words Spin Wheel
A spinning word wheel. Print on card and/or laminate for best results.
Phone Advert: Persuasive Devices
Analyse the ad for a phone. What persuasive devices have been used?
Cut and Paste: ay Words
Cut and paste to match the words and the pictures.
Using Homographs (2)
Write two sentences for each of the given homographs, making sure the word has a different meaning in each sentence.