Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives & Adverbs Superhero Word Search
Find the superhero words and sort them according to the parts of speech.
Cut and Paste: ow Words
Cut and paste to match the words and the pictures.
Structure of a Report Exemplar
An annotated example of an information report, highlighting correct structure and features.
Creating Images: Grandad
Read a short passage and build a visual image to match. Draw it!
-en Word Search
Find the CVC words in the letter jumble.
Biography Research Planning Template
A planning template to help plan and organise ideas for a biography.
sc- sm- sn- Blend Build a Word
This worksheet focuses on similar sounding letters/blends. Line up the correct blend to the word ending.
Working with Antonyms
Practice identifying, writing and using antonyms.
Alphabet Letter Booklet: Letter B
Trace the letter, read the words and colour the pictures.
Cut & Paste: Letter W
Cut and paste to match the words to the correct pictures.
Sorting Evaluative Language
Show whether the evaluative words are positive or negative.
Long a Words Worksheet
This spelling worksheet focuses on ‘long a’ words.