
sm- sn- Blends Puzzle



This puzzle focuses on similar sounding blends: sm- and sn-. Students will cut and paste to join the blends to the correct word endings. Designed for year 1 and 2 students.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify and match the blends sm- and sn- to appropriate word endings.
  • Develop phonemic awareness and blending skills.
  • Improve fine motor skills through cutting and pasting.

How the Activity Works:

Puzzle pieces contain the blends sm- and sn-, along with various word endings. Students cut and paste the pieces to form words such as "smell," "snake," "smile," and "snail." Each correctly joined pair forms a complete picture, allowing students to self-check their answers. This activity helps students recognise the sm- and sn- blends and supports early spelling skills.

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