Comma or Full Stop? (1)
Colour the correct bubbles to show whether full stops or commas are needed. A NAPLAN style worksheet.
Plan for Persuasive Language
A planning sheet to help students plan to use persuasive devices in their writing.
Adjective or Adverb?
A worksheet to help introduce adverbs. Work out whether the underlined word in each sentence is an adjective or an adverb.
Activity Booklet: ow Words
Fold the booklet and complete the activities all about ow words.
Fruit Salad: Write a Procedure
Cut and paste the pictures in the correct order and then write the steps to make a fruit salad.
tw- Activity Booklet
Fold the booklet and complete the activities all about tw- words.
pr- Activity Booklet
Fold the booklet and complete the activities all about pr- words.
Narrative Structure Jumble
This activity helps consolidate understanding of narrative structure. Organise the jumbled paragraphs into the correct order.
Hyperbole Poem Worksheet: 'Worst Day of My Life'
This worksheet focuses on hyperbole. Read the poem and answer the questions.
Say, Write: Short o Words
Say the word, write the pictures. Then Find the words in a letter jumble!