sw- Reading Booklet
A booklet to trace and read.
Milkshake: Procedure Features
Cut and paste the pictures in the correct order and then write the steps to make a milkshake.
Write Nouns to Match Verbs
Write 3 nouns to match each of the given verb. Draw pictures to match.
Writing in the Passive Voice: Present Simple
Rewrite the present simple sentences in passive voice.
fr- Words Word Search
Find the fr- words in the letter jumble.
Narrative Writing Prompts: Set 2
A set of 4 narrative writing prompt cards.
Poetic Devices Word Search
Consolidate learning of poetic devices with this word search.
Learning Adjectives
This worksheet supports students who are just beginning to learn about adjectives.
Make CVC Words with Initial Sounds 3
Listen for the beginning sound in different words to help spell a CVC word.
Explaining Personification (2)
Explain the meaning of the given personification examples.
Time Connective Cards
A set of word cards showing time connectives.
Blend Focus tr-
This worksheet focuses on the blend ‘tr’. Find, match and make tr- words.