Partitioning 3-Digit Numbers (1)
3-digit numbers have been represented using MAB blocks. Write the number and an equation to match the partitioning.
Convert kg to g (Tenths)
Weights are given in kilograms. Convert them to grams (weights are to tenths).
List Events: Possible & Impossible
Write events to match the terms ‘Possible’ and ‘Impossible’.
Abacus 4-Digit Numbers (2)
Represent 4-digit numbers using abacus models.
Reading a Key: Town Map
Use the map and the key to answer the questions.
3D Shapes Alphabet Challenge
List 3D objects that begin with each letter of the alphabet. Which 3D shape does each resemble.
0-99 Board Sheet Shaded
A hundred board with even numbers shaded in (starts at 0).
Transformation Display Poster: Translation
Shapes can be transformed in different ways. This poster explains ‘translation’.
Place Value Sort: Hundreds
Sort the 3-digit numbers according to the number of hundreds.
Subtracting Time, 30-Min Intervals
Read the end times. Subtract the elapsed times and write the start times in analogue and digital (times to 30-minute intervals).
2-Digit Word Problems: Subtraction (1)
A set of 2-digit subtraction word problems.
Capacity: Labelled 100mL Increments (3)
Read the scale and record the capacity of each container.