Time Attack Game, 15 Minute Intervals
A game in which players read o’clock, half past quarter past and quarter to times on analogue and digital clocks. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Multiplication Colour by Number: Beach
Solve the multiplication sums to find the colours to complete the picture.
Giving Directions in Lake City
Use locations on the map to practise giving directions. A set of 4 worksheets.
Multiplying by 2-Digit Word Problems (2)
A set of word problems involving multiplying 2-digit numbers by larger numbers.
Match Up Times, O’clock
Draw lines to connect the matching times (o’clock times).
Multiplication & Division Word Problems (2)
A set of multiplication and division word problems using facts up to 12x12.
Transformation Display Poster: Reflection
Shapes can be transformed in different ways. This poster explains ‘reflection’.
Represent Times in Different Ways, 5-Min Intervals (2)
Represent times in words, analogue and digital forms to complete the worksheet (times to 5-minute intervals).
Making Pizzas: Improper Fractions (2)
Draw to make the pizzas by adding the improper fractions.
Represent Improper Fractions: Quarters
Represent each given fraction in different ways.
x7 Tables Fact Families
Complete the fact family triangles and write the matching equations.
2-Digit Word Problems: Addition (3)
A set of 2-digit addition word problems.