Place Decimals on Number Lines, Hundredths
Show the positions of the decimals (hundredths) on different number lines.
3D Shapes in Everyday Life (2)
Name each of the 3D shapes and write or draw to show where they can be found in everyday life.
Counting Tower Mazes (1s & 2s)
Count in 1s and 2s to find the path up the towers!
Compare Collections of Coins, Aust. (2)
Count collections of coins and then compare the totals to work out who has the most money.
Describing Location, Cardinal & Ordinal Directions
Label the compass and describe the location of objects using the cardinal and ordinal points.
2-Digit Word Problems: Subtraction (2)
A set of 2-digit subtraction word problems.
Equivalent Fractions Student Reference Card
A reference card explaining equivalent fractions.
Start, Finish & Duration, 30-Min Intervals (2)
Answer questions about elapsed times to complete the table (times to 30-minute intervals).
Multiplication Word Problems (2)
A set of multiplication word problems using facts up to 12x12.
Teen Number Focus Set
A set of worksheets focused on the numbers 11-19.
Problem Solving Poster Set
A set of posters showing the BUCKS process of solving word problems.
Find the Fractions Picture
What fractions can be found in the picture? Show by colouring or writing the fractions.